Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Hair is BLUE

"My hair is BLUE! It's BLUE!" is what I've always wanted to say after watching Bride Wars. Yes, I'm 'special' like that. But how could I not want blue hair after Kate Hudson pulled it off so bloody well?!?

SO NATURALLY I died my hair blue. Well technically I had to go blond (Read: Completely kill my hair) first in order for the blue to show in my dark hair. Being blond was... different. When I walked out the house with two different shoes on, I knew I had to change for the sake of my intelligence. So I went blue and black. Ta-Da!

THE FRINGE was the only part that worked... Oops! It's been fun though. I feel like a giant Smurf or a tiny Avatar. It's been a bit of a mission with the upkeep so I'm actually looking forward to going back to one colour... and hopefully restoring my hair to normal condition.

Tres cool!
Would love to do this, stunning
Would totes do this if my hair ever recovered


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