Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shut the Front Door!

SHUT THE FRONT door! What a lovely expression I have just discovered. I first heard it on Wipeout when a orange-tanned teen girl screamed it out. Than I heard it again on LA Ink when Pixie picked up the decorated cake. So I have adopted this new, outrageous saying.

I THINK IT fits very well with this picture of The Hills famewhore, Spencer Pratt:

“She doesn’t talk to me…because I’m loco!” - Spencer Pratt. Yeah I don't think many people talk to Spencer anymore.

In the Wild

SO THIS PAST weekend my boyf and I were lucky to visit our friends who work at a B&B in the Midlands. Usually when we go away it's to my family's place down the coast so I was super excited to go somewhere new. It's the same distance to the Midlands but a whole other world compared to the coast. The first afternoon we were there all we could hear were cows moo'ing from across the river. What was more disturbing were the (possibly sex) noises and grunts we heard at nighttime.

BUT IT'S BEAUTIFULLY calm out there; and when I say out there, I truly mean out there. When we drove to the restaurant, despite it only being a ten minute drive, I felt like I was a million miles from any form of civilisation or protection. See my paranoia is not unfounded; the previous week my friend's neighbours were killed by robbers who didn't steal anything. So I was feeling a little on edge and to see no lights anywhere near can make a woman become a little girl again.

I DID FEEL like Xena Princess Warrior when we went to shoot some arrows at a target. I've never done archery and it's surprisingly easy to shoot but not so easy to get in on target. A fist pump did occur every time I got anywhere near the middle but the boys still whipped my ass with the points. But man do boys look hot shooting arrows!

WE WERE ONLY gone for three days but it felt like weeks since I had been to work and the weekend definately renewed our relationship. It's amazing what a few days in the wilderness can do for you.

THEN I GOT this email today about a bear attack that happened in Canada and how bystanders couldn't do anything to help the guy getting attacked. And I was just thanking my lucky stars we didn't encounter any bears. Until I saw the images of the brutal attack....

....than I kinda wished I had because I would definately take that bear home with me!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Bid Thee Farewell

SO THERE are quite a few things I'm saying goodbye to this week, some good and some bad. On the very sad side, Grey's Anatomy just ended but luckily with no cliffhangers like last season. Still it's one of my favourite shows and being the impatient person I am, I do not like waiting for a year until the next season comes out.

ANOTHER FAREWELL I'm sad to make is saying goodbye to the soccer World Cup. It ends on Sunday and I'm trying to figure out what will be the best plan of action to see the WC out. Hopefully I found out where to celebrate by this weekend.

THE MOST joyous farewell will actually occur next week; I'm saying goodbye to glasses and contact lenses. Well, at least until I'm 50. I'm going for lasec eye surgery and I couldn't be more excited. Who knew you could be so excited to get your eyes sliced open? Much as I was a little nervous at first, a friend who had the surgery reassured me so the appointment is set and I'm getting ready to really see the world for what it is. I am most excited to be able to open my eyes underwater again when I'm swimming and not worry about losing my contact lenses. My friend was most excited about wearing sunglasses for the first time as he only wore glasses previously. I think with everyone who gets the surgery done, we all get excited for different things but mostly the freedom it provides.

ENJOY the last week of soccer madness and support a team with all your heart! Ke Nako!