Sunday, January 20, 2013

You Know How He Do

THERE ARE three Tumblr accounts I visit on a regular basis - What Should We Call Social Media; My Friends Are Married; and Kanye With White People. I'm not even joking about that last one. Here are a few gems are Kanye hanging with his (white) homies…

Illuminati taking over SNL.

Being a complete creep.

The blog's logic for this pic with Obama was that he is half white so they cropped
half of him out of the picture. Legendary. 

IT ALL started from such a young age…

MORE OF Kanye and his BFF's here

Nautical Musings

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Why 2012 Rocked the Interwebs

WHAT'S PRETTY awesome about the beginning of a new year, a lot of posts and Best Of's surface from the year before. Some posts can be average, some from the heart, and some mind-blowing. This video is the last one.

IT'S A Google-created video using Google search, Google +, Google Maps and YouTube. If you ever need to be inspired by the Internet, this is your go-to video. "Never stop searching."

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy Cobain

MY DAD has a pretty great music collection, introducing me to the likes of Counting Crows, Matchbox 20, Radiohead, REM, Live and Nirvana. I got a little obsessed with Nirvana and Kurt Cobain and even read the compilation of his journals.

COBAIN would have turned 45 year old in 2012. To celebrate this, Flavorwire published 29 photos of him looking happy - photos that are quite rare if you've seen some of his other pics. So here are a few of my favorite ones.

Images via Flavorwire.

Bonjour 2013!

A NEW year is upon us! I'm never a big fan of the New Year's Eve celebrations (never as great as the hype - except for NYE in Brazil!) but I do like the feeling of something new. It's a new, fresh year.

YOU GET to evaluate and reflect on the previous year and get motivated for things you want to change or accomplish in the new year. I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions as they often don't last longer than the first two weeks of January but the resolutions below are definitely ones I could consider… Especially if there are cats involved.

DID YOU make any resolutions?