Sunday, August 26, 2012


PEPLUM: n. pl. pep·lums
1. A short overskirt or ruffle attached at the waistline of a jacket, blouse, or dress.
2. My new favourite thing. 
PEPLUM SKIRTS are God's gift to women with curves. High-waisted skirts can be a touch on the unflattering side if they're too tight but peplum skirts can be tight AND cover all the "unflattering" areas. Amen to that! I'll take one in ever colour. 

Blake Lively
Gwen Stefani
Diana Agron
Bella Thorne
Black: Miss Selfridge. Lace: Miss Selfridge. Pink: Miso.
WHAT'S YOUR take on les peplum?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Blairy Good

THERE IS no denying that I have a small addiction to Gossip Girl. It mainly stems from my absolute adoration for NYC... and money and fashion. Blair Whaldorf has, and always will be, my favourite character. Especially when she's with Chuck Bass. But I particularly like her lace pink skirt in season 5, episode 24.

Voila! Not the greatest image of the skirt but I'm hoping you get the idea...

WHILST BLAIR often leans more to the "mature" style of dressing, here are a few are her other great outfits.

DO YOU understand my obsession now?

Sunday, August 5, 2012


GETAWAY MAGAZINE had their annual Getaway Travel Bloggers Conference this weekend in Cape Town. Alas I could not attend. Enter the joy of social media and hashtags. So this is what I learnt from the #GTBC:

The best travel blogs are powered by personality. Things I learned at

Here's a travel blog formula/suggestion: text, photo, text, video. Things I learned at Hello Keith! 

. : A blog isn't just a blog. Trad definition of a blog applies to Facebook and Twitter

Trust your own voice!

You need to create hearty content that people would want to return to -

Bloggers r solo publishers. Writer, sub, editor, designer, marketer, sales exec, tea lady all in 1. Things I learned at
Delighting your readers is the key to long-term awesomeness

Your blog vision should be simple, concrete, credible, emotional and phrased in the form of a story.

Rule number 1 for a great travel blog: it MUST reflect your personality. Make it yours. Things I learned at Hello Nellie!

You are not Wikipedia. You're a travel blogger. Don't get all fact-heavy in your travel blog. Things I learned at

Be real. Be authentic. Be true when you write your travel blog. Things I learned at Genuine

1% of people online create content, 9% share content, 90% consume content, says

"Get involved in what you believe in. Bloggers are travel influencers. " closer

THANKS TO the peeps who tweeted from the conference. Hopefully next year, my knowledge will be first hand.