Wednesday, November 4, 2009

State of Work

As a student, I have yet to fully enter the workforce. But I, unfortunately, still waitress. And previously worked overseas as an au pair. What I have discovered, which will alter the way I look at work, is the more I work, the more I get paid.
As an au pair, if I needed more money, I worked overtime. As a waitress, if I need money, I work more shifts. It is a bad habit to form because once I have entered the Real World, there will be set times and set money. There is no such thing as getting paid to work more. But there is the option of promotion, which neither au pairing nor waitressing has to offer.
I can see why people get stuck in a rut with their job; I work with some waiters that are in their 30s. But after they finish their shift, they get to leave and not worry about work or do extra at home. They are finished until their next shift. Au pairing depended on how attached you were to the kids and how affected you are by them after work. But the Real Job, that, you work your 9 to 5 than you get to go home to stress a little more about it. Maybe kiss your social life goodbye to deal with your growing paperwork. Maybe develop a drinking habit to help cope.
Some will say, enjoy the student life while you can. Personally, I can't wait to enter the Real World. I just have to graduate and find a Real Job first.


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