Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Revelations and Tina Fey

So this past week, with a four day weekend, was supposed to be a goodie. But that idea went out the window once cream I'm allergic to was administered to my newly waxed eyebrows. This happened on the Friday and by Saturday night, my eyes and nose had swollen up. So one trip to the hospital PLUS one very painful drip to the hand PLUS lots of medication PLUS another trip to the doctor's on Monday EQUALS a weekend spent indoors.

I didn't mind the relaxation and being forced to relax, but looking in the mirror and not seeing the usual me was what upset me the most. My man did earn many brownie points going with me to the hospital (Note: on a Saturday night) and despite calling me Quasi Modo, did still come visit me in my "ugly" state.

The main thing I learnt though is that I take being normal for granted. I wake up every morning and my eyes and nose are not swollen, I just put in my contacts and get on with my life. After the past week of not really being able to see properly and wearing glasses full time, I really really appreciate looking in the mirror again and seeing my face moving back to normalcy.

I even braved going to Gateway yesterday with my man although it was more a necessity that I got out the house or I was going to go crazy. We chinged for what movie to watch and Date Night won. I thought it was gonna be funny because it had two comic legends, Steve Carrell and Tina Fey, in it but I underestimated it. The movie started off a little depressing about how married couples can get into this phase of being roomies instead of a couple and I think that's a fear everyone faces when getting married. Here I'm sitting in the movie, thinking great now my man will never get married. But then the jokes started rolling and a whole bunch of action. Plus there was Marc Wahlberg, TOPLESS, the entire time he was on. Did I mention he was topless? But he had an equally gorgeous half-naked girlfriend. Than there was also a trailorpark trash version of James Franco, still looking gorgeous, and his partner in crime, Milo Kunis, who also looked gorgeous as usual. The movie ended up being much better than I expected and I did giggle quite a few times on the way home thinking about it. There was even a stripper scene involving Steve and Tina and man Tina looks good for her age in hooker gear!

Starting the week on a Wednesday does help, but here's hoping for a better, healthier week! Who's with me?


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