Monday, August 16, 2010

Beached Whale

THERE WAS literally a beached whale in Ballito this weekend. On Saturday morning it just washed up and people have been flocking to the beach all weekend to see this poor creature.

WHEN I first heard about this whale I was so excited to go see one of the ocean's biggest creatures (that we know of, at least). But then I found out it was dead. Not so excited anymore, but now depressed. In my excitement I didn't think through the logistics of a whale on a rocky beach. I did take comfort in hearing that it did apparently die out at sea and then washed ashore. So I'm hoping it wasn't a painful way to go.

AFTER PROMISING my boyf I wouldn't cry if he took me to see it, we went along on Sunday. We had initially been told it was directly in front of a restaurant, but overnight had been washed along the beach. Due to being dragged along the rocks, there were chunks taken out of the poor creature and some parts had been left on the beach a little away from where it lay.

WHEN I first spotted it from a distance, it just looked like an interesting, really big rock. But as we got closer, and the smell began to increase, we began to speculate as to how it was lying. Once your mind has determined that this side must be the tail side, that's all you can see. Until we kept walking and realized the tail was on the ocean side, and the face has been crushed by the rocks. It was a very sad realization but it's incredible to see such a creature on the beach. Albeit very heartbreaking.

SOME REBEL had broken through the tape to get a closer look so we decided we might as well too. I was very cautious walking onto the sand as I did not want to stand on any whale bits! A lifeguard was there making sure no one went too close. I did overhear a policeman speaking about how they were gonna blow it up; I understand that that's the best way to move it quickly but the animal-lover in me just doesn't want to picture things like that.

HERE ARE some photos I took whilst we were down there. Despite it being a dead animal, it's still an experience to see a whale up close and be able to really take it in. Hopefully the next few whales I see will be alive and happy. Here's hoping!


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