Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just Be Yourself...

...is one of the most common pieces of advice given. It is also the most annoying as it is very obvious but quite hard to do.

WHENEVER I hear that saying my mind wanders to Just Friends, when the mom, Julie Hagerty, tells Ryan Reynolds to "just be yourself" and then she starts singing a little song about being yourself. It's very entertaining and the scene plays in my head every time I hear that phrase.

BUT MOST people are told this piece of advice when they are nervous about doing something. I was told it by a number of people when going for a voice test at a radio station. But it's very hard being calm and "being yourself" when pursuing something you have always wanted and you could easily fail at. It's easy to say it when you've accomplished your dreams, but try telling that to a student who doesn't know what tomorrow brings. So in the voice test, I tried to be myself as much I as could while hiding my nervousness so we will have to see if they fell for it.

SO IF you're ever nervous about something...just be yourself.


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